Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nothing but ...

1) What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Refrain: Oh! precious is the flow that makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

2) For my pardon this I see --
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my cleansing, this my plea --
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


3) Nothing can for sin atone --
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done --
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


4) This is all my hope and peace --
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness --
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


This hymn was written by Robert Lowry (1826-1899). Lowry was a pastor in the Mid-Atlantic region of the US. He also was a professor of literature. Wrote hymns, some alongside Fanny Crosby. He did many things. For this hymn, he wrote the words and the music. Apparently, he kept things simple (I'm not musically inclined enough to comment, but William Peterson is, and that's who I'm getting this from.) This hymn has a five note range, with two notes for the base singers. Guitar players work with just two chords. Perhaps he is indicating the simplicity of salvation. There can be no other outside the blood of Jesus.

Generally, I'm hesitant to embrace simplistic hymns. There are some more contemporary hymns that are nothing but a chorus. "Praise teams" just play it straight for ten minutes in a bid for an emotional reaction. It's kind of like how pop-songs just repeat the same thing over and over again so it will get stuck in your head and you can never, EVER get it out. Does it make a great song? No, it's just a money-making song that fills the empty space in the short car trip to the store. Some contemporary worship songs are kind of like that. Repeating "Hallelujah" for six minutes and forty three seconds can be great while waiting to get to the pastoral prayer, but why are you singing "hallelujah"? If you're singing just the chorus of a Christianized Jeff Buckley cover of a Leonard Cohen song, you have no idea. You'll feel great about it, but no idea why you are feeling great. That's just an emotional high, it isn't really worship.

This song, even though simple, actually progresses. The first stanza asks how we are saved. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. The second stanza asks where we turn to be saved. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. The third stanza, what do I contribute to my own salvation? Nothing! but the blood of Jesus. The fourth, by what is that salvation secured. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Simple? Yes. Vapid? No. This is a great teaching hymn. We are saved by Christ alone. It's one of the five "Solae." Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, Grace Alone, Glory to God Alone. This hymn is looking directly at what Christ did for His people and is returning thanks. All of salvation is gained by Christ alone in the gospel.

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