Monday, February 3, 2014

Not My Hands

The second hymn I'm listening to which I'm listening today is by Horatius Bonar. Bonar (1808-1889) was a minister in the Church of Scotland. Horatius Bonar was also an author and editor, working for "The Quarterly Journal of Prophecy."  Bonar wrote books, tracts, poetry, and hymns.  A lot of his writings were biographies of fellow ministers.  And as I look for work in ministry, it is very encouraging to read of other ministers lives and how they served God's kingdom.  Service looks different wherever you go, but one thing remains the same, ministry is a lifestyle much more than it is a job.  Even on supposed days off, the pastor is required to care for those in his charge.  They do so because they are moved by the love Christ has shown them.  There hands are moved to work, write, and heal their congregants because Christ's hands provided salvation.  I truly hope that ministry becomes my lifestyle.  Anyways, here are the lyrics:

Not what my hands have done
Can save my guilty soul;
Not what my toiling flesh has borne
Can make my spirit whole.
Not what I feel or do
Can give me peace with God;
Not all my prayers,
And sighs and tears
Can bear my awful load.

Thy work alone, O Christ,
Can ease this weight of sin
Thy blood alone O Lamb of God,
Can give me peace within.
Thy love to me O God,
Not mine, O Lord, to Thee,
Can rid me of
This dark unrest,
And set my spirit free!

Thy Grace alone, O God,
To me can pardon speak;
Thy power alone O Son of God,
Can this sore bondage break.
No other work, save Thine,
No other blood will do,
No strength save that,
Which is divine,
Can bear me safely through.

I bless the Christ of God;
I rest on love divine;
And with unfaltering lip and heart,
I call this Savior mine.
His cross dispels each doubt,
I bury in His tomb
My unbelief,
And all my fear,
Each lingering shade of gloom.

I praise the God of grace,
I trust His truth and might
He calls me His, I call Him mine,
My God, my joy, my light
Tis He Who saveth me,
And freely pardon gives
I love because
He loveth me,
I live because He lives!

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