Thursday, January 16, 2014

My God is Right

1) Whate'er my God ordains is right,
Holy His will abideth.
I will be still whate'er He does
And follow where He guideth.
He is my God, 
Though dark my road.
He holds me that I shall not fall
Wherefore to Him I leave it all.

This is a hymn by Samuel Rodigast (1669-1708).  He was vice-principal and a director of a school in Berlin and never changed his job even though more prestigious positions were offered.  I think it makes sense that a guy who wrote a hymn titled, "Was Gott tut, das ist wolhgetan" (What God does, is well done) would be content with where the Lord placed him.  We are an ambitious nation, seeking things that are bigger and better.  Bigger and better doesn't always come, nor do we always need bigger and better.  Here is a link to enjoy this tune.

2)  Whate'er my God ordains is right,
He will never deceive me
He leads me by the proper path,
I know He will not leave me
I take, content,
What He hath sent
His hand can turn my griefs away
And patiently I wait His day.

I remember watching an interview between four comedians. Jerry Seinfeld, Louis C.K., Chris Rock, and Ricky Gervais were all talking about their thoughts and philosophy on comedy.  Listening to four masters of anything is insightful and a learning experience.  One thing that really stood out was Chris Rock explaining why he hammers the premise of his jokes. Without the premise, the bit fails.  In "Whate'er My God Ordains is Right," Rodigast hammers the premise.  Each verse begins with that line. Verse 1, Whatever my God ordains is right, therefore He leads me. Verse 2, Whatever my God ordains is right, therefore I trust in Him. Verse 3, Whatever my God ordains is right, therefore I am comforted by Him.  Verse 4, Whatever my God ordains is right, therefore no matter what happens, I surrender to Christ.

3) Whate'er my God ordains is right,
Though now this cup in drinking
May bitter seem to my faint heart,
I take it all unshrinking
My God is true,
Each morn anew
Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart
And pain and sorrow shall depart.

The third stanza contains my favorite line.  "Though now this cup in drinking / may bitter seem to my faint heart, / I take it all unshrinking"  The world knocks us back.  Sometimes we recover quickly, rolling with the punches.  Other times it takes time to recover.  It's painful.  Rodigast knows this, but because God is true, his faith does not quiver.  Our hearts are restored by His grace, and even though we may not always see our Savior, He is always there.

4) Whate'er my God ordains is right, 
Here shall my stand be taken
Though sorrow, need, or death be mine,
Yet I am not forsaken
My Fathers care
Is round me there
He holds me that I shall not fall
And so to Him I leave it all.

In this last verse, Rodigast surrenders everything to the Lord. Why? Because everything God ordains is right. The hymnist acknowledges that it doesn't make life easy.  What it does do is provide people with rest and salvation.  If God is ever wrong, then Jesus does not live a perfect life.  If Jesus does not live a perfect life, His death on the cross doesn't pay for our sins.  However, God is always right, and we have refuge in Him.  How wonderful is that?


  1. Just so you know, I'm really enjoying this series. Hope all is well my friend.

  2. Andy! I remember sitting in a Ruby Tuesday trying to talk you into playing music for RUF. I'm glad you did. We should catch up soon ... not over the internet.
